Kimberly Carroll DPT, MTC, Cert. DN
fax -(949)404-6217
"In the summer of 2017 I had an MRI of my lumbar spine to determine the cause of a variety of different pain that I was experiencing in my lower back. I sought different chiropractic treatments and deep tissue massage which helped to temporarily alleviate some of the pain. I was referred to Kim in the latter half of 2017 and began weekly ART sessions. I suffered from sciatica, and extreme muscle spasms. Kim was able to quickly find and begin unlocking each muscle spasm and after a few sessions I noted that I felt about 75% better. As my muscles continued to unlock and the sciatica became less severe, it was clear that it was time to retrain and re-strengthen my dormant muscles in my lower back and hips to prevent further pain and injury. Kim showed me some specific exercises and provided thorough guidance to regain strength and stability. I took the guidance and exercise routines seriously and incorporated them into my daily life. Occasionally I have a set back or a sciatic flair up and I immediately schedule an appointment. When this happens, Kim helps me to get me back on track quicker than I expect and I almost always notice a drastic improvement 24 to 48 hours after the session. Kim is a true professional and thoroughly passionate about helping people overcome their physical adversity. She is a problem solver and quickly works to help alleviate the cause of my issues. I highly recommend her to anyone, especially those seeking relief from chronic pain. "
Rob F.
Hilliard, FL
"I first met Kim Carroll in 2012 at Advance Rehabilitation when my wife had rehab after ACL replacement. Kim is one of the most caring, compassionate, knowledgeable, professional Physical Therapists I have dealt with. I myself have had several visits to Physical Therapy before meeting Kim, and a couple since. She has provided for my wife, myself, and my two daughters. Kim is my family's go to therapist for Physical Therapy. Her warmth and compassion is second to none. With each of our cases, not only did we fully recover physically, but with each of us, our spirit improved as well with recovery. With each visit, in each of our cases, our confidence continued to build that we would fully recover from surgery and bounce back better than we were before surgery or injury. That is a testimate to Kim's dedication."
Steven P. Mallonee
Fernandina Beach, Fl
“I met Kim Carroll roughly 14 months ago in one of the darkest and scariest moments in my life. I had a massive stroke at a fairly young age, 48, and was told that I would probably never walk again. I was pushed in to see Kim initially in my wheelchair, and WALKED out 3 months later. I will probably never tango again, but with her help and knowledge, I am walking unassisted. Her knowledge in her field is unsurmountable. I cannot say enough good things about her and her abilities. I am forever grateful that she was able to help me walk again. Not only am I proud to say that she was the person that helped me, but equally as proud to call her my friend as well.”
Steve Rossman
Fernandina Beach, Fl